Weint Wood in October: While the Cubs and Scouts Reside
Weint Wood in October: While the Cubs and Scouts Reside
The smell of damp canvas; campfire popping.
Boots by the door, muddy and sopping.
Dense pillows of moss, carpets of leaves,
Bracket fungi and millipedes.
Slugs and snails (dare you touch these?)
Friends running, stick-in-hand, through the trees.
Laughter of sparrows and shouts of the crow,
Teens perched round the fire, faces aglow,
Until witching hour; reluctant to bed.
Sleep sound ‘til the morn; stomachs full and content.
By Bagheera (17th Barrow Cub Scouts)
Cub Scout Cultural Inspiration at Poetry OpenMic (DaltonLitfest)!