
Online donation to
17th Barrow Charity

Give as You Live
Free small donation with card purchases

Why do we need to raise funds?

  1. To benefit good causes locally or around the world, and share a real sense of achievement from helping others.
  2. Supplement membership subscriptions to help provide extra activities for our young members.
  3. Pay for everyday running costs (heating, lighting, rates, council tax, etc).
  4. Pay for maintenance of hall, facilities, minibus, equipment and grounds.
  5. Special campaigns.

How do we raise money and what can you do to help?

  • Hall Hire (e.g. for a Club, or a Birthday Party) – at competitive rates, with discounts for regular users! see Hall Bookings
    Do you know anyone or group that need a venue to meet regularly or occasionally?
  • Community Fundraising – Bedding Plant Sales, Barrow Market Stall bric-a-brac, Bag packing at local supermarket
  • Social events sometimes raise funds as spin off from main activity – tombola/raffle/cloakroom tickets, quiz, BBQ, treasure hunt etc.
  • Donations (often with gift aid) – see the Online Donation page, or donate by cash or cheque to “17th Barrow (St Perran’s) Scout Group”
  • Free credit card donations from online purchases using schemes like Give as You Live
  • Sponsored events – swim/walk/cycle (e.g. C2B and Tour-de-Furness)
    14 Refreshed and ready to go HalfWay-CrazyChairmansChallenge
  • Purchasing replacement print cartridges from Cartridgepeople (For group to get comission, click on link or banner below to open in new tab, and then use the “Buy Now – Click Here” pink button and finally make sure complete your order in the same session)
  • cartridgepeople-banner
  • Recycling – a source of income in the past, but currently suspended until the value of aluminium increases, and find a new organisation prepared to pay for Genuine/Brand Printer Cartridges
  • Grant applications.

Is there anyone with any fundraising ideas? and possibly help to organise a fundraising event?