CCTV – Safety and Crime Prevention

In the interest of Safety, of volunteers, youth members and visitors and for Crime Prevention purposes, CCTV is operated at the 17th Barrow (St.Perran’s) Scout Group headquarters at Yarlside Road. This facility is controlled and operated by the 17th Barrow (St. Perran’s) Scout Group Trustees (here-in ‘controller’). 

Operated by the 17th Barrow (St. Perran’s) Scout Group Trustees (here-in ‘controller’).
Policy and contact details being made public on this page

The data recorded will be accessible to members of the Trustee and Leadership team as appropriate. It is recorded on a cyclic basis and shall be available for a period defined by the recording system’s capacity (both physical and cloud storage).

In the event of an incident that requires investigation, the images may be moved to longer term storage until a conclusion is reached. We may under request by UK law enforcement, protection agencies or relevant controlling organisation (e.g. Scout Association for Scouting members) supply images in conjunction with an investigation.

If you believe you have just cause for access to images captured of you or your charges, by the controller, you may apply to request a copy, in writing to:

The Trustees – (Private and confidential)
17th Barrow(St.Perrran’s) Scout Group
Yarlside Road
LA13 0EX

Please make a subject access request including

  1. the date and approximate time when the images were recorded
  2. and the location of the particular CCTV camera, so that the images can be easily located
  3. your identity and description so you can be established as the person in the image
  4. details of the reason for the request
  5. details of the organisation or hierarchy requesting the image if you are not the subject. e.g. Youth Leader with safety responsibilities requiring confirmation a Young person was dropped off before official start time.

If the controller is satisfied of a legitimate request they will endeavour to supply the images, should they still exist. The controller makes no guarantee as to the availability of the system, or the continued availability of any footage or the quality of the recordings.

If you believe there is an incident that needs preservation, you may email details of the time and date to . The controller will endeavour to preserve any recordings until such time as a formal request arrives in writing, or a month has expired whichever is the sooner.