Do you want some top-quality bedding plants for your garden to brighten up 2024?!The Bedding Plant Sale is up and running!
Can you tell any local family, friends and neighbours about the plant sale, and invite them to buy some plants to benefit the group? (have a chat in person / on phone – or post something on social media)
Go to the Plant Sale page for more– or –Go Direct to Online Form
Do you want some top-quality bedding plants for your garden to brighten up 2023?!The Bedding Plant Sale is up and running!
Can you tell any local family, friends and neighbours know while you stay socially distanced?(try social media, email, text message, phone, or video message)
Go to the Plant Sale page for more information– or –Go Direct to Online Form
The plant sale has been extended for just a few more days …
Bagheera says we can keep the order books open until next Wednesday (11th March).
So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can you ALL make a big effort to help us get as many orders as possible?
Give leaflets to your colleagues at work, friends, family, the milkman! Everyone you can think of please!
This is the last chance to spread the word and get some final orders!
Please visit the plant sale webpage or pass on the link to friends and family, or go …
The Great Bedding Plant Sale 2017 is now up-and-running and looking for your support!
Last year the sale raised several hundreds of pounds for the Scout Group minibus, and with your help we can raise more money toward purchase of a minibus to benefit all sections (Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts) of the Group.
Would you like to place an order (however small or large), or do you know someone else who lives nearby that would like some bedding plants?
Every plant will make a difference to the money we raise, but orders need …