
18 Mar 2023

Do you want some top-quality bedding plants for your garden to brighten up 2023?!The Bedding Plant Sale is up and running!


Can you tell any local family, friends and neighbours know while you stay socially distanced?(try social media, email, text message, phone, or video message)

Go to the Plant Sale page for more information– or –Go Direct to Online Form

10 Sep 2021

Dear parents and community
Our annual general meeting does not take too long, but is important that as many of you as possible can take part.
The 17th Barrow (St Perran’s) Scout Group AGM is being held at 7pm on Thursday 7th October 2021.
It is an opportunity to take stock of where we are, look back at what we’ve achieved since the last meeting, look forward to the exciting plans ahead, and take care of some brief but necessary business as a registered charity (e.g. electing executive members, distributing financial information).
Please could …

20 Jun 2020

17th Barrow (St Perrans) Scout Group have not let a small thing like a world wide lockdown stop them put the ‘out’ in Scouting
On 31st April 2020 the whole group took part in a successful world record attempt to have the biggest virtual camp (over 93 000 people took part), and then followed that with a group camp from 1st to 2nd May.
The young people slept in dens/tents in or outside, made campfires – real or fake, took part in a virtual campfire lead by Bagheera, Shere Khan and Redwood, …

30 Sep 2019

Date: Tuesday 15th October 2019
Time: 8pm
Venue: Scout Hut on Yarlside Road
You are invited and encouraged to attend a short meeting to review last year and set the stall for next year.
The short meeting including reports of the activities and achievements of each Section over the last year, a summary of the accounts, votes for committee members, and an opportunity to ask any questions, raise any issues, or make any suggestions.
The delay to the normal date in June meeting, was in order to help us find a Secretary and Chair for …

17 Oct 2016

Once again, we’ve had great fun hosting JOTA / JOTI for the District at our Scout Hut.  If you’ve not heard of this before, JOTA is Jamboree On The Air, and JOTI is Jamboree On The Internet, and it’s all about providing opportunities for Scouts, Cubs, Beavers and Explorers to talk to other members of Scouting (and Girl Guide / Girl Scout) units all around the world.  This year is the 59th year that JOTA has run, and the 20th year that JOTI has run.
When JOTA was first set up, …

17 Jan 2016

Hi everyone, and Happy New Year!
Did you make a resolution for 2016?  Maybe it was to try volunteering, or to try doing something that your son or daughter enjoys?
Why not try our Four Week Challenge?
Volunteer for four weeks, support young people, put the V”olunteer” into your CV, and have great fun along the way!
Would you like to…

Spend some quality time with your child?
Develop your own skills?
Have fun and rediscover adventure?
Give something back to the community?

Why not try some of the fun and adventure of Scouting for yourself?
We’re now inviting parents …

24 Nov 2015

Not a football scoreline but our next Group activity!
‘4-all’ because it is good for everyone – for the Group and our community.
Sunday 6th December between 12 (noon) and 6pm at Tesco Metro (Roose)

Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will be helping in the local community by packing shopping bags at the local Tesco Metro (Roose).
It is a fantastic opportunity for the community to see our Scout Group in action, make a really positive impression and help them by packing their shopping bags. We can also tell some of the shoppers about your …

15 Oct 2015

Invitation to a great opportunity to make new scout connections around the world on Saturday 17th October between 10am and 4pm at the Scout Hall.
With the help of Furness Amateur Radio Society we are taking part in the 57th annual JOTA-JOTI Scout Jamboree on the air!
FARS are also bringing a Morse Code Simulator and various other “toys” so that Beavers, Cubs and Scouts can try out some of the skills they need for their respective Communicator Badges.
The event is FREE to come along and take part! but there will be …